Yet again I'm indebted to the Royal Literary Fund - this time for providing me with funding to purchase brand new computer equipment! Thank you RLF, I hope I can justify your faith!
My dream is to one day be able to repay the RLF for all the funding they have provided and which has come in incredibly useful following the abrupt termination of my contract by the International Business Times back in May. Four years, well over 2,000 articles and countless page hits - and I didn't even get an explanation from IBT, let alone a thank you. Shabby way to treat your freelancers - and now they're advertising for more freelancers apparently. Good luck, guys!
Anyway - one way you could help me repay the RLF (and stick it to the IBT) would be to buy one of my four books - Militant Factions, Kidology, Out Of Office and Fire Horses - in paperback or on Kindle. That would buy me the time to write two more books which hopefully will help me get a new agent - I'm almost starting to regret sacking my last one now...