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Pensioners with Parents: read my feature in the IB Times


Updated: Jan 1, 2024

"Eileen is 93. Her husband Les passed away in January 2014 after 73 years of marriage, and so for the first time in her life this Christmas she'll wake up alone - like half a million other older people nationwide.

I feel a bit guilty about Eileen - because she's my nan. Usually I see her over Christmas but this year I'm taking my own children to Australia to stay with auntie Kate - nan's daughter. Eileen's sons, Michael (my dad) and Vincent (my uncle) will be in the country but Michael will be with his wife's family, meaning Vincent - 65, and recovering from an operation - will be driving to London from Manchester to ensure nan has company for at least part of the day.

As society becomes richer, and diseases and minor complaints such as diabetes become more manageable, people are living longer than ever before. This is giving rise to a social phenomenon society has never previously experienced: that of pensioners who care for their parents..."


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