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#KidologyQuotes 25: The toff set about him like some sort of Neanderthal bastard

Updated: Dec 16, 2023

The toff set about him like some sort of Neanderthal bastard. The hiding he inflicted was long and thorough, accompanied by a great deal of muttered oaths then later, gallingly, chuckles. Somehow, Jim reflected, being twatted by a toff was worse than by a chav: all he could do was try and protect his head and fervently pray that Dog came back.

Which Dog did – after the man drove off in his Bentley.

Stuffing the ruined tights in his pocket Jim hobbled towards the high street, hoping he wouldn't bump into anyone. The dog seemed abashed; bloody right too. What was the point of spending a tenner a day on butcher’s cuts if he wouldn’t help out in a scrap?


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