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Read my piece in The Spectator: Brexit regrets? Yes - I wish I'd voted leave


Updated: Dec 26, 2023

"I woke up on 24 June with a sense of impending doom. It was no doubt linked to the fact that after voting the day before, I had undergone an operation and so was waking up in a hospital bed. It wasn’t helped by the fact that I was also waking up to the news that Britain had voted to leave the EU.

It soon became clear that I wasn’t the only Briton who’d been badly bruised by the events of that historic day. On the airwaves and social media, angry Remainers were voicing their shock at what had just happened. More surprisingly, repentant sinners were beginning to beg for forgiveness: they’d voted Leave, not realising their votes counted, and wanted to change their minds. I now share their pain – as well as bravely bearing my own – because I wish I’d voted Leave..."

Well it only took 'em 188 years - The Spectator finally published one of my blogs.


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