#KidologyQuotes 92:
It was freezing: Jim shivered. The still-nameless dog tensed at his side. Jim pulled hard on the lead and the dog stilled itself. Already it was obedient, a loyal companion; his best friend. Jim didn’t have many friends. Once, at a notorious low point when Ingrid and the family had selfishly gone to her parents' funerals, he’d even written to the Scientologists. They had yet to reply.
Having a limited imagination, Ingrid was unable to visualise the varying ways in which the dog would enrich all their lives. She said he was a danger to the children and Katona and would have nothing to do with him: poor Dog slept in a rudimentary shelter Jim had constructed from pallets and tarp in the back yard, at the mercy of every passing fox. London foxes were a different breed to the ones Jim recalled in the suburbs: eating KFC, going down the pub...